IBM has chosen the Eniscope as its energy management platform for a major national bank in Peru and has scheduled the installation across all 450 branches. The Eniscope partner will also advise initial energy savings measures, install real-time and public displays and then provide monthly energy usage reports for branch and regional managers. IBM has […]
Case Studies
Dominos USA achieves 26% saving over 6 trial sites; selects Eniscope as basis of its franchisee energy management program
After trails achieved 20-34% savings over 6 trial sites and greatly exceeded expectation, Dominos Franchisee Association (DFA) which represents the 2,500 independent business owners and close to 60% of Dominos’ US locations has recommended the Eniscope EnergyMaps energy saving and real-time sub-monitoring program to all franchisees. The program is sofar scheduled to be progressively rolled […]
Shell Denmark successfully trials Eniscope EnergyMaps energy saving program; now rolling out across 1500 service stations nationwide
Shell Denmark trialled the Eniscope EnergyMaps energy saving program and real-time sub-monitoring at 8 service stations and achieved significant low-cost energy savings across all sites. As a result the Eniscope-based program is being rolled out progressively across all 1500 sites nationally
Toyota chooses Eniscope sub-monitoring system for factory retrofit
Toyota – originator of Just In Time Production and inspiration for the Lean Manufacturing strategies – has installed Eniscope sub-monitoring across all 86 sub-boards in its Toyota Gateway vehicle manufacturing plant in Thailand. Key to the choice of Eniscope for this major retrofit was the industrial grade hardware, fully-featured cloud-based platform and modular format which […]
World’s 4th largest retailer chooses Eniscope as its energy management platform in Europe
Carrefour S.A. the French multinational retailer and fourth largest retail group in the world with 1,452 hypermarkets, has chosen the Eniscope energy management system as its energy management platform for Europe, and has commenced the initial rollout throughout France.