Enigin Partners

Energy management services & technology

About Enigin Partners

30-60% of all energy use is wasted.

We tackle that waste.

Enigin Partners helps businesses across Australia to permanently reduce their energy usage profiles through measurement, monitoring and control of energy usage across all the major applications on your site. We provide clients with the information and cutting-edge services and technologies to manage and reduce their energy wastage, for financial and environmental gains.

We have a proven record in delivering high-quality, sustainable energy management solutions with immediate results and short payback times.

We do this with our Eniscope real-time energy monitoring system and innovative EnergyMaps services, and by opening doors to the smartest and most reliable energy services and tech solutions on offer across the globe via our network of specialist associates.

Eniscope is a global brand in energy management systems which provides you with a total hardware and software solution, and Enigin Partners is the manufacture’s Australian partner for distribution and support.

Our clients see us as ‘best in class’ due to our innovative and professional ideas, guaranteed results, personal approach and high levels of service.

If you’re looking to reduce your energy costs and improve sustainability, then let us show you how.

Energy Saving Services & Technologies

Eniscope Energy Monitoring


Making energy use visible & manageable

You can’t manage what you can’t see.

Gain real-time control over your energy costs and expose energy wasting processes, procedures, behaviours & equipment

  • A total hardware & software solution
  • 1 platform ready to link 1 to 1000 sites
Energy Management Services

EnergyMaps Commercial & Industrial

EnergyMaps provides you with comprehensive advice on how to achieve DEEP energy savings, and delivers high-quality, sustainable solutions with immediate results & short payback. We also implement savings measures on your behalf, resulting in guaranteed savings.

  • Savings from process, procedural & behavioural change and smart technologies
Enigin Partners

Smart Technologies

Enigin Partners open doors to the smartest and most reliable energy controls, technology & solutions on offer across the globe with our own exclusive products and via our network of specialist associates.

  • Air conditioning
  • Refrigeration
  • Lighting
  • Motor control


"We immediately identified how we could reduce peak demand by at least 22%"
Chief Engineer
Major Queensland manufacturer
“Eniscope highlighted areas of the site which we didn’t realise were the key areas of power drain”
General Manager
Western Suburbs Leagues Club
“For a start, Eniscope has reduced our night hours consumption by 87%”
E-Learning Centre
“We are now convinced that Eniscope is an effective tool which can be used in controlling wasted energy”
Chief Engineer
Holiday Inn
“Eniscope has saved us 38% of our costs which is almost inside a 1-year payback”
Coquina Office Park

Request more information

Whether you would like more information on one of our services or technologies, or want to know how we could help your organization manage energy use, please get in contact! We are happy to answer any queries you have via email, phone or through our quick contact form.

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